Sunday, December 15, 2019

Here are some of the pictures that I liked.


  1. This is a nice series Shema… Starting from the top I love the subject matter but I'm wondering why the picture has such low resolution? If it came off your phone, perhaps you emailed it or posted it once to social media where the resolution gets knocked way down.

    On the second one, you're in close and exploring light and radial design… Subjects close to my heart. It would be stronger if it was sharper. Remember to give your camera time to focus by tapping on your screen at the focal point of the picture.

    For the third one I appreciate how you are attracted by the lovely snow on the black branches. It would improve by editing for light towards the center and bringing more of a presence of light.

    Number four is a macro shot with interesting texture… It too is not sharp the and using indoor light has made it quite a bit yellow.

    I love the atmosphere of number five… The snow driving down with the light at the top and the lonely dark road is evocative.

    What's not to love about number six. The radial design of the focal point is striking. I do like the rays of light piercing in from the boldness of the tree.

    The portrait in number seven is nicely done… You are seeing how light is falling on her face.

    Fun composition and design with number eight. It shows me that you are seeing visually and organizing light and design in the frame. That's actually the main content of this course.

    Not sure about the last one, number nine I can quite tell what it is and it's very low resolution so I would not say this one is successful.

  2. Thank you for you feedback. Number seven is actually me. I took what you said by leaning up against the wall. I do again with number nine. It was actually a fire place and for the life of me I could not get it to where I wanted it to be. Maybe I should have moved the gate in front. I did no email and none of these pictures are on social media. I will continue to practice getting that perfect picture....
