Sunday, December 15, 2019

Gordon Week 6

So I did not have anyone available to model for me for this week, so unfortunately for you guys I had to use myself! I used a tripod and timer to take the photos with light from a window, and also used light from an illuminated Christmas tree for a couple as well. Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful Gordon… Wondering how you got such a great dark background? The clarity and simplicity of these verges on professional. One small criticism is when taking pictures of yourself is that you can't see how light is falling on your face. Notice in the very bottom one how you your face is split in half with light on one side and dark shadow on the other. If I were the photographer taking this I would see that and ask you to turn your face a bit more to your left in order to catch a triangle of light on your right cheek. It's great that you are wearing a dark shirt and the dark background creates simple and clean composition.

    Nicely done!
