Saturday, December 21, 2019

book cover

first was mass produced book cover second is my front/ back cover

Gordon Week 8

Experimenting with some panoramic photos with the iPhone 11 Pro

Dubh Linn Garden

Cliffs of Howth

Borghese Gallery

The Colosseum

Entrance to Piazza Del Popolo

Grand Hotel Plaza Rome

Roman Street Corner

Gordon Week 7

A couple of images from the London 80 Gigapixel page.

Rooftop Shadows

Horizontal Windows

Vertical Windows

Orange Windows

Diamond Skylight

Sunday, December 15, 2019


Here are some of the pictures that I liked.


For my poster I made a poster for tonight's Sunday night Football event!

Gordon Week 6

So I did not have anyone available to model for me for this week, so unfortunately for you guys I had to use myself! I used a tripod and timer to take the photos with light from a window, and also used light from an illuminated Christmas tree for a couple as well. Happy Holidays!