Sunday, November 3, 2019

Tim Intro

Hello class, my name is Timothy McCormack but please feel free to call me Tim. I work the third shift as a manager in a factory, and am pursing a business management degree. I feel having this degree with be able to increase my ability to effectively manage my team of employees as well as become a greater asset to the company. For this weeks self portrait I attempted a shadow portrait. The inspiration behind my post was to include some key elements that are major components in my life. This is attempted to be shown by swinging a golf club in the portrait. The next component would be the dog bowls. My dog is very important to me, as well as all animals. Dogs can be a great companion and my Beaux is definitely that. I hope to learn some new techniques with photos, and be able to find a new hobby potentially. The whole idea of being creative is a great break away from all the business heavy material in my previous course loads! This being said I look forward to having the ability to think in an abstract sense which will show
my personality.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tim, great post... I love the thought you put into your self portrait and the use of shadows as well as the monochrome/sepia editing. Balance is important in life and photography is a great way to add some.
