Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Good evening all. My name is Toshema Poole. I like to be called Shema for short. I am in my senior year here at Albertus and my major is Sociology. I took  this class because I am always going to events and such and wanted to learn how to take the perfect picture. I am a school bus driver as you can see in my photo. Sorry it's late and upside down.


  1. Hey Guys My name is Erica Blackman and i am officially a senior majoring in Criminal Justice. I'm not very photogenic so I plan on learning alot about different aspects of graphic design

    1. Hi Erica... welcome... do post your comment on the main blog rather than as a comment to Shema's post. Just click the link at the top, "New Post" and then enter your info... a selfie would be great to have too....

  2. Hi Shema, I actually like your picture upside down! Welcome to class!
